North American Tae Kwon Do Schools
Here you'll find information about the history, philosophy, and techniques of Tae Kwon Do, both on the international level and within our club. You'll also find information about our club practice times, rules and even see some pictures of our members in action. Enjoy your visit! UTZ!!
Practice Times
River Campus, Goergen Athletic Center, Leibner-Cooper & O’Brien Music Rehearsal Rm Monday 6:30PM [O’Brien], Wednesday 7:30PM & Saturday 12 Noon River Campus
The martial arts style of Tae Kwon Do practiced in the North American Tae Kwon Do Schools is that of Chung Do Kwan or "Sea (Gym, School) of the Blue Wave". Often, Master Mondschein will supplement this curriculum with various martial arts grappling techniques and improvised three and one-step attack-and-counter techniques. The fundamental elements of Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan consist of 15 basic techniques. These techniques are based upon speed, power, balance, accuracy and focus. Training forms are patterns of techniques meant to build not only an understanding of the movements but fluidity in execution of the art. These elements are emphasized while building an understanding of the unity of techniques, as well as the mind, body and (indomitable fighting) spirit.
All sparring in NATKD-CDK schools in NON-CONTACT. The reason for restraining sparring in this manner is to teach complete control of the martial arts techniques and promote safety. Students acquire a mastery of each technique both in power and accuracy. Non-contact sparring requires complete knowledge of your surroundings and of your opponent's actions. A technique cannot be executed unless you know where it will land with respect to your opponent. As a matter of safety, sparring is restricted to students with the rank of yellow belt or higher. As students advance in rank, more complicated techniques will be introduced into their sparring repertoire.
Board breaking is typically only done at belt tests or demonstrations. However, given available resources, sometimes breaking may be done at regular practices. The boards broken in our club are typically 12"x10"x1" or 12"x12"x1" boards of pine. Breaking is not required for test typically until the rank of brown belt, however, other ranks may break at tests as a matter of exhibition and experience.
Master Mondschein has supplemented the traditional Chung Do Kwan curriculum with several martial arts weapons forms. Early ranks are introduced to Chion Bo - a Japanese bo kata. Students of higher rank are introduced to Tokomine No Kun, an Isshin-Ryu bo kata, as well as Cern Bei Sau, a Kung-Fu double-dagger form.
© 2010 North American Tae Kwon Do | Rochester, NY